Assess My Consulting
2024 IMCNZ Competence Framework: Aspects

8 Aspects
Assess My Consulting is based on the 2024 Institute of Management Consulting NZ (IMCNZ) Consulting Competence Framework.
- The 2024 IMCNZ framework has 8 aspects (shown here) and 36 competences.
- The framework provides a general guide to consulting competences and describes the behaviour and actions a competent management consultant would demonstrate, rather than giving a set of instructions on how a management consultant should behave and act
- It also defines the maturity in the management consulting profession in four levels: Foundation, Professional, Advanced, and Expert.
2024 IMCNZ Competence Framework: Competences
36 Competences
- The 2024 IMCNZ framework is the basis for assessment for the CMC certification in NZ which ensures that we remain consistent with the approach taken by the 50 other member institutes of ICMCI.
- The 2024 IMCNZ framework was based on the 2021 International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) Certified Management Consulting (CMC) Competence Framework.

2021 ICMCI Competence Framework

ICMCI Framework
- The 2021 ICMCI Competence Framework (shown below) is a tool that aims to ensure the highest standards in management consulting as a global profession that drives social and economic success. It enshrines the ICMCI values of professionalism, transparency and integrity while promoting lifelong professional development so that management consultants can help organisations grow, evolve and gain from new opportunities.
- Both frameworks have the same goals. The 2024 IMCNZ framework splits the ICMCI 4 categories of competence into 8 and adds more detail in some places. The 2021 ICMCI framework also defines the maturity in the management consulting profession in only three levels: Foundation, CMC, and Professional Leader.
Lineage of Assess My Consulting
Assess My Consulting v1.0
Assess My Consulting as an online self assessment tool was first developed in 2016. The first version ('AMC v1.0') was based on a prior version of the Consulting Skills Framework developed by IMCNZ based on a similar model developed at that time by ICMCI.
AMC v1.0 asked the consultant to rate their abilities on a scale between 1 and 9 in terms of perceived strength and weakness across 57 questions. The questions related to various components across the competencies of business, technical, values and behaviour.
Up until its replacement in April 2024, over an 8 year period, Assess My Consulting served thousands of professional and aspiring management consultants across a range of skills and experiences levels and technical specialisations from over 65 countries from around the globe as illustrated below!